
Assamualaikum wbt,

Blog ini disediakan khas untuk anak-anak yang senasib dengan saya. Yang cuba berdikari belajar semua benda sendirian.

Kalau ada salah, silap dan kurang. Maafkan lah.

Resepi-resepi disini hanyalah nota untuk diri sendiri. Dan diharap dapat membantu sesiapa yang memerlukan.

Please enjoy your times in here.


This blog is prepared for those who had suffer same fate and carry the same path as I am. To the one who had to learn everything by yourself. You can do this.

If there are any weakness on the recipes, please forgive my humble being.

These recipes are just some sort of notes for myself, and I'm hoping it will helps anyone who's in need.

Enjoy your stay in here.



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